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Showing posts from March, 2009

Fanchon's makeover

I took Fanchon apart today and examined her various maladies. It was strange to be handling a ball-jointed doll again. I really loved the feeling of scrubbing her down, examining her cracks and sharp edges and planning where I would suede her. I love the thought of transforming her from a horridly painted, cracked thing into a luxury ball-jointed doll. I put her eyelashes in today. It was my best setting ever! It was another thing I never thought I would do again. My work in the laboratory for the past year has made me much stronger and more dextrous, and I think I will be able to do everything I want for her. I will look on the forums about how to repair her cracks and chipping joints. I will plan everything I want to do before I put her back together again, because I do not want to unstring her again after this. She is too delicate.
Dreams I have had a couple of dreams recently. One was about Josette. I remember a dream of her at least once a week, but I have the feeling I dream of her much more often. I dreamed she was restored to me, that she had not burned. I saw smudges of black upon her skin I was able to wipe away. I sat her before me, her long, long hair draped around her. Her height, her heaviness, were exact to my memory. The next night I dreamed I received Betty the Beautiful Bride in the mail. That has a definite possibility of coming true, since Betty is on my list of wanted dolls.

A new life

Last week I had a vision of Fanchon and Elton walking together in River Legacy Park. I anticipated with happiness the forthcoming summer, when I will be able to photograph my dolls in nature again. I am going to resurrect my Flickr again, which I have not used in at least three years, as another medium for sharing. Spring is coming forth. Everything around me is a soft green. I can see down into the river from the balcony. The leaves are so tender and half-furled.