This image reveals Shelley's gentle, contemplative nature. He looks at home in the bough of a tree in a brown landscape. Last night, I completed Shelley's name: Kirin Shelley. Kirin is his surname. In Cambriel, Ophelia learns that Shelley is the kirin, a powerful unicorn that occupies the earth for a thousand years. I learned about the kirin, or Japanese unicorn, last night. The Japanese kirin is similar to the Chinese ki'lin and the Western unicorn. The kirin has the power and menace of the ki'lin, but has a beauty similar to that of the Western unicorn. The ki'lin is a less attractive creature. Shelley is more of a kirin. Here is the kanji of his true name: 麒麟. Next time I go to a Japanese festival, I want to ask for a Shelley bookmark, so I can get the kanji for his first name as well. I guess it will be more like Sher-ry. Two years, and I'm finally getting around to a full name for my doll. It's never too late, though.
Asian ball-jointed dolls, vintage Superstar Barbie and similar, paper dolls, porcelain dolls.