I took Fanchon apart today and examined her various maladies. It was strange to be handling a ball-jointed doll again. I really loved the feeling of scrubbing her down, examining her cracks and sharp edges and planning where I would suede her. I love the thought of transforming her from a horridly painted, cracked thing into a luxury ball-jointed doll. I put her eyelashes in today. It was my best setting ever! It was another thing I never thought I would do again. My work in the laboratory for the past year has made me much stronger and more dextrous, and I think I will be able to do everything I want for her. I will look on the forums about how to repair her cracks and chipping joints. I will plan everything I want to do before I put her back together again, because I do not want to unstring her again after this. She is too delicate.
Asian ball-jointed dolls, vintage Superstar Barbie and similar, paper dolls, porcelain dolls.