I have not been so interested in my work here as of late. I feel the need to do something new, to make something I've not seen before. This journal was created to explore my doll hobby and define the meaning of dolls for me. I have always been interested in the idea of Asian ball-jointed dolls as not merely objects or playthings, but as companions, as was intended in their invention several years ago. A companion, however, seems more like a partner to something else, a participant in what one actually does. I never seem to be able to make a journal dedicated to my dolls, no matter how much I may enjoy reading other people's.
In addition, my enthusiasm for sewing and doll craft waxes and wanes, and at the moment it's waning. And making a journal dedicated to that seems pointless, when my energy for it is already low.
My original intent was to make a companion journal, but I don't know how to go about it. I look at other people's all the time, but I don't know how to describe my dolls as my companions.
This journal is essentially a creative exercise, like the others listed on my home page, and I would like for it to grow into something beautiful and fascinating. I don't care so much about what other people will think about it, because I know how I want to go about living in the world.
I believe it's worth much more to treat others in my life with respect and affection than to tailor my interests to theirs. I feel that as long as I treat my family members with thoughtfulness and love, and all other acquaintances with the love of Christ, that I will be far more valued by others than if I continue undistinguished in everything, including my avocations.
In addition, if I carry out this journal with the clarity and intelligence which I want to contribute, I think it will represent a unique and interesting piece of work.