I have not been spending much time on my computer at all lately . not even to write my story. I have been preoccupied with studying fashions of times past, and unfortunately I have no boundaries and no particular preference.
Well, that's not true. The fashions from the 1840's must be my favorite, because they sort of make me grow still and stare with awe. They are not much studied, very early Victorian and post-Regency - but the hairstyles are what I love so much. That and I associate this look with Mary Shelley and many early Romantics; in fact, it is commonly called "the Romantic look."
So when online I have been collecting fashion plates and information . that is it. I have not been writing my story or even buying things from eBay really.
I think this particular fashion plate is immensely stylish. The woman in the white lace waist and green skirt . well, I am going to have that outfit. I adore the look of these women. It makes me think of things like small doses of cyanide to achieve this pallor. And this was the beginning of the Victorian tight-lacing . I still marvel at Scarlet's seventeen inch waist.
And no, I am not being sarcastic. These dark fantasies of fashion are part of my dream-life-lost, and I don't apologize for it in this journal. This is my own place where I speak of my own dreams and desires.