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Showing posts from March, 2011

Pauvre Josette

Pauvre Josette , originally uploaded by blacsylc . Yards and yards of antique lace to help clothe my poor Josette, who still has not an outfit.

Sweet pretty girl ...

Sweet pretty girl ... , originally uploaded by blacsylc . I went to the antique mall after all and in addition to buying reams of antique French lace for ma petite Josette, I found this darling. She's a Horseman doll from the 1960s, quite at home in my growing collection of 1960s vinyl dolls. But she is different and darling from the others. The lady checking me out at the Kennedale antique mall was quite enchanted with her also. ;)

A place for very old dolls

I try to keep the majority a secret, but when it comes to my very old dolls, there seems nothing less suitable than to put them where others can see them. They have languished for so long, and they were destined to be in this old farmhouse, in the dank and shadowed hallway which feels like the hallway in the house of a grandmother I never had. Prince Hamlet nailed up my shelf yesterday, enabling me to display Schneewittchen, Marguerite and Violette as I have for so long desired. In addition he gave me a rack to display my excess of vintage aprons. I hope this decorating will comprise most of my day. Expect many dark and grainy photos.