I can't move, can't speak or breathe You must move me around as you please And if you drop me, it will hurt me, But I can't help it if I love you With my doll's heart. I'm afraid to move, afraid to speak or breathe Lest you stop loving me So I wait silently for attention, My doll's heart beats only for you, My eyes are only on you. I don't change like you do I don't grow old Hands touch this porcelain face Others gaze into these blank doll eyes That fail to understand what they see This doll mind remains unwritten in a false innocence Love me, love me I'm trapped in an unmoving porcelain form And I can't help loving you, Silent and noninterfering, A doll's face, a doll's mind, This love, yours alone.
Asian ball-jointed dolls, vintage Superstar Barbie and similar, paper dolls, porcelain dolls.