I did some thinking of what to do next for Fanchon. I haven't done any more photos for her, because I have wanted to give her a gothic look, and I haven't known quite what I wanted to do. I read through Gothic Beauty, then randomly remembered my Beast, and pulled him out of a box and put him next to Fanchon. I had intended to do a BatB story with Isabeau, but she will probably be sold (Item #2) soon, so I don't want to get attached. Fanchon is a little taller than Beast, but so much smaller in every other way, they look okay together.
I was trying to decide today how long I have had Beast. His tag is ©1992, but I know I bought him a couple years after the movie came out. I remember buying him at Wal-mart all by myself, the very first thing I ever bought from Wal-mart. He was my beloved toy for a long time, but ended up being a chew toy for various dogs when I was too teenaged and distracted to care.
So when Nathan woke up bewildered at about 11 p.m. I was combing out the Beast's fur and assessing his possibilities.
I combed him a good deal this morning too. He was so gross you can't imagine. I made him a pair of trousers and am in the middle of making him a poet shirt now. I would like him and Fanchon to be more Victorian BatB than Baroque, particularly the early Victorian Pre-Raphaelite times.
Item #2. I talked it over with Nathan. I'm probably going to buy Ha Yarn Cho again. We're going to make a final decision in a couple of weeks though. I am nervous about what the verdict will be, but we need to do what is best for our home and family. This is a big decision. Before I didn't want to make a calculated "decision" about her and acted wildly. There is no doll I want other than her. I came to that realization this week. I felt something supernatural about her that lingered for a couple of days. Then I knew I would have to be rational to have her in my life again.
Otherwise, I am thrifty, thrifty, thrifty. I mean to shape my doll-dreams around what I have from now on. It seems like whenever I feel a lack of something I can think through my archives and come up with something. My dolls are very elastic things. They can become and re-become anything. Victorian/Barnabas is now Elton, Fanchon's younger brother, but who knows? Next he could become Dante Gabriel Rossetti, with Rose as Jane Morris and Fanchon as Elizabeth Siddall.
Anyway, I mean to have Josette back, or at least approach the issue with as much sensibleness as I can so that I can tell her in my dreams that I did my best for her.
I still have her special striped dress and all her wigs. I just can't let go of them.