Fanchon wore Franklin Mint's Jackie Kennedy peach dress and accessories and her own denim mules and posed amidst various vintage fabrics.
I think she looks like a peach daiquiri personified.
Taking these photos in an artificial environment in summer reminded me of quiet days at my grandparents' in the summer when I would make a beach indoors with beach towels and chaise lounges and drag all the lamps into one place to make it very bright. Then I would put on my swim suit and "bask" in the sun.
I made a video slideshow of Fanchon in this dress since I am learning to use Sony Vegas software for longer and hopefully more complicated slideshows and videos. I am torn as to whether I should share it, because I know it is flawed. The song is one of my favorites, "The Ghost Woman and the Hunter," by Lacuna Coil.
Watch the video "La peche" >>