I am making a yard sale in Chantilly Lace right now. I am imagining clotheslines with pinned vintage clothing flapping in the breeze, and card tables covered with old tablecloths and scattered with my wares. I would love to make enough money from my sale to buy ... ?
I don't know quite what I want to buy, but I have had a serious craving for a new doll this weekend. It was enough to make me start making a sales page and putting everything on it, including my Dollmore Model things. I have decided I don't want another Dollmore Model. There is a lot to be said for deciding something like that for myself, and I feel peace and certainty about it.
I have to write about this as I do it. It's so hard. I fell out of love with Josette, but as I see these pictures of Ophelia I can feel her spirit. She was a lot like my mom's cat Bella. I sensed she didn't care much about me one way or the other. She was her own self-contained person. But she loved that camouflage outfit so much. If dolls have souls and feelings, well, I can guarantee you Ophelia loved wearing that outfit. I did so many photo shoots of her in that dress.
At the same time, I don't feel bitter about letting it, or any of this go. As I see these pictures I can smell the fresh air of River Legacy Park. I remember hiking through the fields looking for this locale along a barbed wire fence. All I feel right now is that I hope someone else enjoys these clothes as much as I did.
I have never grieved or thought much about Ophelia and Shelley until now. They were so self-contained, beautiful objects that never became much more than that for me. However I reflect on my past with them and feel so many good things. There's no bitterness there.
On another note, did you get my last e-mail in response to yours (a couple of weeks ago or so)? It was rather lengthy! I hope it didn't bore you. ;-) I have a couple of other things to send you. Should I do so this week or wait until after July 8? Just let me know!
No, I did not receive your email! I would be far from bored to receive an email from you. Could you send it again? I was trying to decide whether I should email you and ask if you had gotten mine, etc. If you want to send me anything else, please do! I will be moving loooong after that, it turns out, more like Sept.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my doll stuff. It's amazing how I got over it all of a sudden, but I'm not going to question it. Unfortunately my stuff would not fit Ellowyne as she is thinner than a mini dollfie, but I would let you know if I put up any 16" fashion things-- though I will be likely to keep those things for Fanny now. :)