Last week, a potted plant fell on my BJD's memory board and them, scattering soil everywhere. Thankfully, my dolls were unharmed, even though Leslie took a blow from the pot. I picked up most of the mess but waited until this weekend to do a deeper cleaning, which required taking apart the whole display and draperies.
I rearranged Josette's books a little differently. I gave her three small Lutheran books that have been in my family for generations, although Josette is Catholic. In time, I would like for her to have a rosary, a small crucifix, Catholic prayer books, a scapula, and little pictures of Jesus and the Virgin. If we go antique shopping in New Mexico this Christmas, I might be in luck, because I remember seeing those kinds of items the last time we shopped there.
I have some further ideas about Josette's and Garth's characters. Garth is Josette's fiancé. They have been friends from childhood, but in adulthood, Garth has acquired some dark experiences, including becoming a vampire, that Josette can't handle knowing. Garth understands this, and as a result of his secrets, he and Josette are not really close emotionally. Josette does not find Garth's darkness alluring. Instead, Josette loves Leslie's kind and gallant nature, and Josette's forbidden love for Leslie is a thorn in her heart.
Garth, likewise, is attracted to the intelligent, plain housemaid Dannie. Dannie is very bookish, but undeniably sexy beneath her frumpy uniform and thick glasses. Dannie is, of course, attracted to Garth. He is a dark, extremely handsome vampire, with a complicated nature that her astute, philosophical mind can handle.
Dannie and Garth are both Dollmore models. I have pictured Garth for years as a Nayuta Kenzo and built his character around that image. For variety, I feel I should choose a different brand of doll for Dannie, but I truly love Dollmore dolls the best.